From 1- 7 June it’s Volunteers’ Week, an annual event that sees charities, voluntary groups, social organisations, and volunteers themselves come together to recognise the incredible impact that volunteering has in communities around the UK.
The theme for this year– ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ – aims to highlight that our diversity is our strength, show that there is more than one way to volunteer and encourage people to be the change that we want to see.
Volunteers have always been right at the heart of what we do at Govan Community Project. From ESOL tutors, to session facilitators and even painters and decorators, we couldn’t run the charity without their support.
Petra Hardie, Volunteer Coordinator at GCP, said: “Our volunteers have always been right at the heart of what we do at GCP. They bring a wealth of skills and experience to their roles, as well as kindness and a sense of community. We couldn’t do it without them. So taking the time during Volunteers’ Week to celebrate and recognise their efforts and all they contribute to the charity and their community is so important.”
Follow our social media this week to hear from a few of our volunteers.