Who says learning only takes place in the classroom? Our ESOL students have been on a trip to Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum, helping in the Rose Garden at Elder Park and cooking a meal with Kin Kitchen, all with the purpose of learning language through activity and building community. Our ESOL Coordinator Jess explains more about the recent activities.
Kelvingrove trip
On Monday 25th September a group of ESOL learners, volunteer tutors and GCP staff went to Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum. We had a look around the exhibitions and at the different artefacts and had lots of interesting discussions together in English. Learners and volunteers talked about Scottish history, nature and art and design, and were able to make comparisons with their own countries. After a delicious lunch in the café we had a walk in the sun around Kelvingrove Park. A fantastic day all round!
Rose Garden, Elder Park
On Wednesday 11th October three ESOL students went to Elder Park in Govan to help with some much needed weeding in the beautiful rose garden. This is a collaboration with Moogety Grub Hub which encourages students and local people to get together to chat and practice their English whilst getting their hands dirty! Our hard-working students braved the cold and the wind to spend a few hours clearing one of the rose beds, leaving it looking fantastic. We hope to go back together soon for some more gardening and chats.
Cooking Class
On Monday 16th October Jess and Lottie from Kin Kitchen came to Govan to deliver a cooking class to our ESOL students. We had a very fun afternoon working together to make a delicious meal of aubergine and lentil curry and cucumber salad. Our learners got the opportunity to put into practice the cooking vocabulary we have been looking at in class and learnt new words and verbs to use in the kitchen. This was the first of a series of cooking classes and we are excited to see what Kin Kitchen has next in store for us!