At the end of November GCP organised an Introduction to Gender Diversity training for staff and volunteers. Here GCP Volunteer Coordinator, Petra Hardie, outlines the training and what the organisation took from it.
The training, delivered by Lou Beardsmore from Pride Outside, helped to ensure the team is up-to-date with LGBTQ+ language and policies. Lou made sure that prior to the training we were able to ask questions anonymously on the subject and provided space within the training for more questions and guided discussions.
The training linked research theory with practice, and outlined the vital importance of inclusive language and how frequently it changes. We spent time learning about best practice around pronouns and why this is important for the LGBTQ+ community. This learning will support the organisation in looking at what steps we can implement to show that GCP is an LGBTQ+ ally.
A helpful emphasis in the training was the importance of the approach of ‘calling people in’, meaning
when we identify homophobic or transphobic remarks to respond compassionately and recognise that often people do not recognise that the language they use is not inclusive or is disrespectful.
As a follow on from the training, GCP has identified some simple initial steps we will take to ensure we are more gender inclusive. Some simple steps will be taken immediately, such as
- developing an organisational inclusion statement
- ensuring everyone in the organisation understands their role in inclusion
- adopting pronouns in email signatures
We are also committed to further development of policies and procedures to ensure they reflect our
commitment to inclusion.