Tag: news
We are horrified by the scenes of coordinated violence seen throughout the UK over the weekend targeting refugee, migrant and Muslim communities.
To those in our communities across the UK who have been targeted or are living in fear, we send a message of hope, strength and solidarity. We also send a reminder that our communities have demonstrated time and time again that refugees are welcome here.
To the UK government we send a message that you need to take responsibility and you need to do more to heal communities not divide them, including holding the media to account for their role in inciting division in our nation.
Govan Community Project has signed a letter along with over 240 organisations to call for communities and the country to be brought together for a different way forward- one that’s compassionate and united. This must be a turning point. Find out more about the Fair Begins Here campaign.

Traci Kirkland, Head of Charity at GCP, outlined her message to the new government in our latest newsletter, read below.
“This month we have seen a new UK Government, whose slogan was ‘change’. Here at GCP we really hope that change includes a realistic and compassionate reform to immigration policies, moving away from the hostile environment towards building an inclusive society where everyone’s contributions are recognised, valued and welcomed.
We stand alongside partner agencies we work with in the migration sector and all of our community members to make an appeal to the Prime Minister and his new government to make rebuilding the immigration system one of their big changes. To this end we continue to be part of the Fair Begins Here campaign from Together for Refugees. Polls increasingly show that the majority of the nation see migration and diversity as a huge benefit to our communities and our economy. They agree that the current, dehumanising system is broken beyond repair and does not represent the views of most of the country or how we want other nations to see us.
We were delighted to see the Prime Minister scrapped the inhumane Rwanda scheme on his first days in office. We would now urge the new government to work with and learn from those in the sector, and most importantly, those with lived experience, to co-design a system which is fair and based on humanity. We want to see safe and legal routes for vulnerable individuals and families who seek sanctuary from the social injustices which are happening globally. We would also ask that the government recognises the level of harm and toxicity caused by the use of dehumanising language when talking about migration and takes steps to address this.
“We are way more powerful when we turn to each other and not on each other, when we celebrate our diversity… and together tear down the mighty walls of injustice.” Cynthia McKinney
We ask the government to let people live with choice and dignity, through scrapping policies such as No Recourse to Public Funds, lifting the ban on working for those in the asylum process and scrapping benefit caps which keep families in poverty.
At a local level we bid a fond farewell to our outgoing MP Chris Stephens who stood firmly alongside our community in opposition to hostile immigration policy and thank him for all of his support. We extend a warm welcome to Dr Zubir Ahmed as our new constituency MP in Glasgow South West. We ask Dr Ahmed to stand in solidarity with our community and push his parliamentary colleagues to look beyond the numbers and the reports and truly engage with and listen to people at community level when looking at solutions for the broken immigration system, the ongoing housing crisis and the cost of living crisis.
We live in hope of a new government bringing real, lasting change. A government that believes in cohesion, not division, and we look forward to engaging with our new MP in the near future.”

First Minister Humza Yousaf visited Govan Community Project today (Friday 12 January) to hear about the work the charity is doing to support refugees in Glasgow.
Mr Yousaf was greeted by staff and community members at the charity’s office in Govan.
Govan Community Project provides an advice & advocacy service, support with food insecurity, language classes and community groups to reduce social isolation, for refugees and those seeking asylum.
During the visit, Mr Yousaf met with head of charity, Traci Kirkland, who outlined the current challenges facing the sector. He also spoke to members of the community groups, many of whom are currently in the asylum system, about their concerns around housing, education, employment and public transport.
Traci Kirkland, Head of Charity, said: “We were really happy to have Humza Yousaf visit our new office building in Govan today. With the asylum and refugee community facing ever increasing challenges from the UK’s hostile environment, we welcomed the opportunity to share our experiences with the First Minister; he answered a whole host of questions from our community members. It was good to hear how much he values the work Govan Community Project does.”
We spoke to some of our community members to get their thoughts on the First Minister’s visit.

On November 24th , 2021, a group of people – each unique and dearly loved – slowly froze to death in the icy waters of the English Channel while waiting for a rescue that never came.
Twenty-seven bodies were recovered and four are still missing, adding to the pain of the families – twenty-one men, seven women including one who was pregnant, and three children.
Today, two years on from this tragedy, we remember and honour them, alongside many more precious lives lost on dangerous journeys to the UK – we may never know exactly how many.
On that catastrophic night, their flimsy boat left France at around 10pm, but close to midnight, it began to deflate and sink in the middle of the Channel. Between 2am and 4am, the passengers called the French and English authorities many times begging for help. But no one came.
The French authorities told them they were in British waters, and British officials told them they were in French waters. The transcripts of those desperate calls make for difficult reading – one passenger indicates that they are literally “in the water”. “Yes, but you are in English waters, Sir,” is the reply. At around 3am the boat overturned, tipping all passengers into the water, where some drowned because of the waves. Over time, others resigned themselves to letting go as they were overwhelmed by the cold.
Eleven hours later – at 2pm the next day – a French fisherman spotted the bodies in the water and raised the alarm. When the French coastguard finally arrived, they found only two survivors.
We will never let the lives lost that night, or those of loved ones lost since, be forgotten. And for their families, we demand justice and change. We long for people seeking safety on British shores to be seen as human beings, deserving of rights, compassion and dignity. Tragedies like this occur because of the ‘othering’ our politicians insist on – of the dehumanising of sons and fathers, mothers and daughters,
friends and family members.
This rhetoric must change. And so must this government’s policies. Humans in search of safety deserve just that. This means safe routes for all refugees wishing to come to the UK – we need to improve resettlement and refugee family reunion schemes and make it easier for people to travel to the UK to claim asylum. That is the only way these tragedies will end. We stand alongside the families of the victims, as they demand answers as to why French and British authorities failed desperate people who came asking for help. They also need to know when the results of the Article 2 Inquiry will be made public. The families have already waited two long years and deserve answers.
As a society that values compassion, we know that people fleeing the worst the world has to offer should be met with kindness. So, we demand that the division and fear of anti-migrant rhetoric used by some political leaders, is replaced with the empathy and respect that many people and communities across Britain show to refugees every day. We can, and must do better : people’s lives depend on it.
Zana Mamand Mohammad relative of Twana Mamand Mohammad
Mstafa Mina Nabi relative of Zaniar Mstafa Mina
Rasul Farkha Husein relative of Pshtiwan Rasul Farkha
Saman Abubakir Alipour relative of Sirwan Abubakir Alipour
Husen Mohammad relative of Mahammad Husen Mohammad
Sarhad Pirot Mohammad relative of Sarkawt Pirot Mohammad
Shamal Ali Pirot relative of Shakar Ali Pirot
Ahmad Mohammad Akoyi relative of Afrasia Ahmad Mohammad
Abdulkarim Hamd Abdulrahman relative of Bryar Hamd Abdulrahman
Ismail Hamd Qadir relative of Muslim Ismail Hamd
Rizgar Husen Hamd relative of Kajal Ahmad Khizir
Hadye Rizgar Husen
Mubin Rizhar Husen
Hasti Rizgar Husen
Yasin Husen Hamd relative of Rezhwan Yasin Hasan
Qadir Abdullah relative of Mohammad Qadir Abdullah
Omar Mohammed relative of Hassan Mohammed Ali
Ali Mohammed relative of Hassan Mohammed Ali
Emebet Kefyalew Gizaw relative of Fikeru Shiferaw Tekalegn
Calais Appeal
Freedom From Torture
Refugee Action
Refugee Council
Safe Passage
Scottish Refugee Council

Today (Wednesday 15 November) the Supreme Court ruled the UK Government’s Rwanda plan is unlawful.
Govan Community Project is very happy that the correct ruling was made by the Supreme Court on the Rwanda Plan, however we share continued concerns with our colleagues across the sector of the UK Government’s ongoing inhumane treatment of those seeking safety.
We stand with over 100 of our sector colleagues, issuing the following joint statement.
We are relieved today that the Supreme Court has made the right decision and declared that Rwanda is not a safe country for this government to send people needing safety. The Rwanda plan was always cruel and immoral. We urge the Government to immediately abandon such plans with Rwanda or with any other country, and instead protect the rights of people who have come to our country in search of sanctuary.
While we welcome the decision today, we remain concerned by this Government’s overall treatment of people who move to this country. We are alarmed by this Government’s continuous efforts to detain and forcibly send people to countries where they may not know anyone, especially if it puts them at risk of harm and human rights violations. We know that as a community we are compassionate and welcoming, and we need immigration policies that are rooted in that same care, compassion, and respect for human rights. We call on everyone to stand up for the rights of people seeking sanctuary, regardless of where they come from or how they travel here.
Signed (as of noon Wednesday 15 November 2023)
- Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI)
- Kalayaan
- Liberty
- Doctors of the World UK
- Welsh Refugee Council
- Medical Justice
- Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX)
- Rainbow Migration
- Bail for Immigration Detainees
- Just Fair
- René Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights
- After Exploitation
- Freedom from Torture
- Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS)
- North Wales Regional Equality Network
- Young Roots
- Anti Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit (ATLEU)
- Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees (AVID)
- Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK)
- Humans for Rights Network
- Hibiscus Initiatives
- Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ)
- Scottish Refugee Council
- Helen Bamber Foundation
- Asylum Aid
- The William Gomes Podcast
- Routes Collective
- New Citizens’ Gateway
- West London Welcome
- Student Action for Refugees (STAR)
- Afghan Association Paiwand
- RefuAid
- Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group
- Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN)
- Our Second Home
- Samphire
- Care4Calais
- St Augustine’s Centre, Halifax
- Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit
- Good Chance Theatre
- The Runnymede Trust
- Hope at Home
- Voices in Exile
- Refugee Support Group (Berkshire)
- Ice and Fire Theatre
- Waging Peace
- Reading City of Sanctuary
- forRefugees
- Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action Group
- Hastings Supports Refugees
- Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign
- Hastings Community of Sanctuary
- Herts for Refugees
- City of Sanctuary UK
- Bristol Refugee Rights
- Da’aro Youth Project
- Reunite Families UK
- Migrants’ Rights Network
- Public Law Project
- Praxis
- Refugee Action
- Together with Migrant Children
- JRS UK (Jesuit Refugee Service)
- Here for Good
- Refugee Council
- the3million
- Open Rights Group
- National AIDS Trust
- Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG)
- Asylum Matters
- People in Motion
- Refugee and Migrant Centre (West Midlands)
- Refugee Women Connect
- Voices Network
- Micro Rainbow
- LGBT Health and Wellbeing (Scotland)
- The VOICES Network
- Mermaids
- HOPE not hate
- African Rainbow Family
- Manchester Migrant Solidarity
- Safe Passage
- Birmingham City of Sanctuary
- Birmingham Schools of Sanctuary
- Haringey Welcome
- House of Rainbow CIC
- Asylum Welcome
- Anti-Slavery International
- LGBT Foundation
- Migrants Organise
- Hope and Aid Direct
- Inclusive Mosque Initiative
- Alawia SBI
- JustRight Scotland
- Kanlungan Filipino Consortium
- Time To Be Out
- TransActual
- Durham Visitors Group
- Lewes Organisation in Support of Refugees & Asylum Seekers
- RefYouMe
- Reclaim The Sea
- Big Leaf Foundation
- Freedom United
- Muslim Council of Britain
- Global Link
- Lesbian Asylum Support Sheffield
- Asylum Support Appeals Project
- Gendered Intelligence
- Migrant Voice
- Stand For All
- Migration Justice Project, Law Centre NI
- Refugee Legal Support
- South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice
- Choose Love
- Refugee and Migrants Forum of Essex and London
- Leeds Asylum Seekers Support Network
- Nottingham Arimathea Trust
- Govan Community Project
- Simon Community Scotland
- Welcome Churches
- The Pickwell Foundation
- Refugees at Home
- Stonewall
- Sahir House
- Southeast and East Asian Centre (SEEAC)
- Room to Heal
- Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative

More than 175,000 people are awaiting a decision on whether they will be granted refugee status in the UK. Many people wait years for an outcome- forced to live in limbo.
During this time, most people seeking asylum live on just over £5 a day, are not permitted to work, and are accommodated and supported in a system that was never designed to be used over the long term.
One of our community member’s shared their experience of life in the asylum system- they wish to remain anonymous.
“I arrived in the UK at 20 years old. I didn’t know then that all my twenties would be spent in the asylum process. During this time we had two children, I tried to raise my kids as best I could.
No one wants to beg for food for their kids or themselves. But the situation forces people there, they can’t work. I remember just eating 20p noodles a day so I could buy the cream for my baby’s eczema.
You can’t choose a home for your family. We were put in an area with drug dealers, once my husband was attacked; we were scared. Our children experienced racism, even though they were born in this country, it’s like they don’t have the same value, they should be respected and treated equally like any other kid.
It’s stressful seeing your children comparing themselves to other kids, they ask why they don’t have those toys, they don’t have the same bags and shoes, why they can’t go to McDonalds. We have patience for ourselves, but seeing our children upset with tears in their eyes, it’s so stressful.
We had to stay at home for nine years, we didn’t have money to go anywhere. We feel the best part of our life was wasted, we couldn’t enjoy life as we should. It’s depressing staying at home all the time. We went through this experience for a very long time, we don’t want anyone else to go through this.
Life is much better now, we have status, my husband can work. I work with GCP to share my experience to help make the asylum process easier for new people. Everyone has different situations and experiences, but we are not alone in the process.”
If you are in the asylum process and need advice, you can call GCP’s Advice & Advocacy Helpline for free on 0800 310 0054.

Govan Community Project is one of 34 organisations to receive funding from the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland.
The fund supports self management for people living with long term conditions, disabled people and unpaid carers across Scotland, enabling people to be in the driving seat of their health, care and wellbeing.
The funding will allow Govan Community Project to establish and develop a mental health group
support programme for people seeking asylum. The charity will run three, four to six week long group programmes, as well as a range of one of sessions focused on themes identified by the community which will increase knowledge, access and ways of coping.
Sara Redmond, Chief Officer of Development at the ALLIANCE said:
“Everyone has the right to live well with dignity and respect yet for too many people and communities the cost of living crisis comes on top of worsening health inequalities arising from more than a decade of austerity and exacerbated by the pandemic. Self management approaches can support people to live better, with greater options for support, and reduce some of the burden of these inequalities.
“The ALLIANCE is pleased to be able to support a further round of projects working with diverse communities across Scotland, developing a wide range of approaches designed and delivered in partnership with the people they aim to support, providing the third sector vital resources to respond to this challenging climate.”

The Court of Appeal has today (Thursday 29 June) ruled the UK Government plan to send people seeking asylum to Rwanda is unlawful.
Traci Kirkland, Head of Charity at Govan Community Project, responded to the news:

Refugee Festival Scotland kicked off on Friday 16 June, with events taking place across the country. The festival celebrates the huge contribution people from refugee backgrounds make to life in Scotland.
Along with showcasing artwork and cultural heritage of New Scots, the festival also aims to reduce loneliness and isolation by bring refugees and people seeking asylum together with people in the communities they live in.
It takes place each year on the lead up to World Refugee Day on 20 June. This is an important time to raise awareness of the difficulties facing people who seek safety in Scotland, and how we can work together to overcome these.
Govan Community Project kick-started the festival with a Community Celebration Day in Govan & Linthouse Parish Church on Friday 16 June. There was good food, music and activities aimed at bringing the community together.
Thanks to Music Broth, Falafel Amo, New Anand, Ianthe Hope Face Paint, and our lovely community members who created brilliant henna designs.